Payment Methods

payment methods

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On a mission to provide ease to our worldwide users

Please follow the instructions to pay.

  1. We accepts payments with Cryptocurrency (BTC | ETH | LTC | DASH | USDC(only ERC20) | BUSD | USDT (TRC20 and ERC20) rate refers to the real-time rate on Coinbase.You can make payments through any crypto wallet/exchange.
  2. If you need to pay in USD, please contact salesman for KYC process.
  3. Due to the volatile nature of the market price of mining machines, after the Buyer has confirmed and made the payment, it may not apply for return
  4. Your order will be canceled if payment is not received within the specified time limit: 59 minutes for payment through cryptocurrency and 2 days from the order date for payment via bank transfer.
  5. For any type of queries, contact our support team.